Our Mission

Hi! I’m Shavy Simcha, founder and honored participant of It Takes a Village.

I founded ITAV to support single parents in the daunting task of caring for children independently; a task so impractical, even partnered parents can relate. It truly does take a village to care for children in the way they deserve, and with the help of incredibly caring humans, my vision is to provide some sense of that village!

We at ITAV understand the struggles of single parents. We don’t question. We don’t judge. We are here to help. That’s it.

Our Values

Compassionate Support

We understand the particular struggles of single parenting. We do our best to give support and assistance in any way that we can while ensuring the integrity and respect of our recipients.


We take measures to protect the identity of single parents and their requests for assistance. Relevant details are only shared with the volunteer who opts to cover the call.


Volunteers are vetted with a brief interview on Zoom or through background research, depending on each city's requirements. When a volunteer is sent to a home, we always recommend that an older child or another adult is present with the recipient for their safety. In addition, we follow up after each call with both volunteers and recipients to ensure effective and safe assistance.

Professionalism and Respect

Our volunteers are instructed with clear guidelines and protocols, emphasizing strictly professionally-oriented contact with recipients.